Top  blogs Benefits of Baume du tigre: 2013

Saturday 5 October 2013

Tiger Balm for comfort

Human beings since time immemorial have tried to look for solutions to problems, some solutions are meant to be long term and as well short term or instant. In the areas of management of pain and aches, this has also been the case as human beings go through a lot of health issues as they try to make a decent living, to this end if there is one name that has been trusted across the world for several years for its comforting effect where it hurts, this is the tiger balm that has been used by one generation after another for care and healing purposes. In acupuncture the tiger balm is applied on the skin to relief pain instantly and to provide the much needed comfort in the hands of an acupuncturist, to say the least it has been in use for over one hundred (100) years and it continues to be used to date.


The formulation of the tiger balm is such that it has herbal ingredients which have been tested and found to be safe and effective for use. The balm has unique formulation with healing properties which it provides immediate relief for various aches and pains that a patient may be experiencing, at the same time it is able to restore once balance as we are living in a world full of hustles and bustles in a bid to make ends meet, this leaves one fatigued and feeling unwell.
In acupuncture the use of needling technique may leave one experiencing some minor pain that may need some substance to be used to provide instant relief, at times the skin may be affected in its structure and formation, the needle may bend and harm one’s muscles as it is inserted in the pressure point,, this is should not leave either the patient or acupuncture practitioner  worried as instant comfort can be achieved by using the tiger balm, one requires to apply it where one is feeling pain and hurt. The balm is suitable for use by all irrespective of race, gender, skin color or age, it is safe for children too and the aged all across the world. 

Instructions for use

The tiger balm should only be applied on the affected area only.  It should be rubbed well and gently on the said area, it can only be used in external areas only and areas near the eyes should be avoided at all costs,  if one experiences irritation on use, one should discontinue its use and consult a physician . In case a patient has a wound or torn skin, application of the balm should not be done on such areas. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should consult a doctor before using the tiger balm and as such this is the case with many medications for pregnant and nursing women.
The balm should be kept out of the reach of children as they can use it inappropriately and as such can be affected.


The tiger balm is well distributed and can be found in many drugstores around the world from the east to the west, the north to th

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Les matériaux de l’industrie médicale et leurs usages

Parler du matériel employé dans l’industrie de la médecine serait une bien grande tâche qui pourrait remplir toutes les plus grands livres du monde, toutefois et de manière synthétisée, l’on peut dire que le matériel médical est constitué de l'appareillage destiné à fluidifier le travail de base quant aux diagnostics et aux traitements des problèmes médicaux. Ce type de matériel ne saurait faire l’objet de complaisance quant à la qualité et son mode de fabrication, ainsi l’appareillage médical est soumis aux règles de l’art et aux standards internationaux de sécurité. Nous avons ainsi les équipements de diagnostic, de thérapie, de chirurgie etde pansement…

Le matériel médical de diagnostic est constitué d’appareils d'imagerie médicale pour la facilitation du diagnostic, des moniteurs médicaux qui ont pour but de mesurer l'état médical du patient (l'ECG, l'EEG), la pression sanguine et des gaz sanguins du sang. Nous avons donc : le stéthoscope, utilisé pour la perception des sons dans le corps( les battements cardiaques, l’activité intestinale, des sons respiratoires), le thermomètre, la balance pour le poids, l’audiomètre  pour évaluer la surdité, la torche électrique pour percevoir la dilatation et le réflexe pupillaire à la lumière, le chronomètre pour mesurer le rythme cardiaque et la fréquence respiratoire, Le sphygmomanomètre pour  mesurer et enregistrer la pression artérielle, L’ophtalmoscope pour examiner la rétine, L’otoscope pour voir dans la cavité de l'oreille externe, L’endoscope pour voir à l'intérieur de l'œsophage, de l'estomac, des intestins, des voies biliaires, du larynx, de la trachée, des bronches, Le rectoscope pour examiner le canal anal et de la partie inférieure du rectum.

Les autres matériaux médicaux

 Le matériel médical thérapeutique, chirurgical et vital est utilisé pour le traitement et le maintien des fonctions corporelles du patient, celui-ci comprend donc : La  pompe à perfusion, la poire à lavement, les ciseaux, la pince, le bistouri, Le  sparadrap, le sérum physiologique, Les seringues de différentes types et taillesd’aiguilles pour les injections et les extractions sanguines ou de tout autre liquide à l’intérieur de l’organisme, La canula qui est un genre d'aiguille permettant de créer une voie permanente dans une veine ou une artère pour une longue série d’injections ou une infusion de fluides intraveineux, le cathéter de caoutchouc pour orienter l'urine et le recueillir directement de la vessie, Les bouteilles de gaz procurant de l'oxygène, du protoxyde d'azote, du dioxyde de carbone… Le masque à oxygène ou tubes délivrant des gaz jusqu'aux narines pour pérenniser de manière continue l'apport en oxygène et d’administrer des médicaments en aérosol ou gazeux, Le dialyseur quant lui permet purifier le sang en le nettoyant de toutes  matières toxiques, il est généralement utilisé en cas d'insuffisance rénale, Le ventilateur à pression permet une respiration artificielle au patient, le  défibrillateur permet de régénérer l’arythmie du cœur ou pourredémarrer un cœur en arrêt, La  sonde nasogastrique permet d'introduire des aliments ou de médicaments dans l’organisme par voies artificielle.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Medical supplies used in acupuncture

The acupuncture needle is by far the most used medical instrument in acupuncture. However, there exist several other medical supplies that can mostly be found online. These range from those used in the sessions to those that are meant to ensure that an acupuncture clinic is safe for all parties involved. For instance, after needles are used, a form of disposal will always be necessary. This will often be in the form of biohazard containers. 

It all starts at the treatment table

A good acupuncturist will always check a patient’s medical history to determine if this therapy would work. It is quite obvious that acupuncture needles are best inserted into the body while the patient is lying down. The weight of patients vary thus a treatment table must be able to hold any kind of weight, besides being adjustable. Though expensive, the treatment table is a vital part of acupuncture. Other medical supplies that go along with the treatment table are drapes for patients, pillows and/or blankets and sheets that can always be changed with every new patient. Before inserting the acupuncture needles, the therapist will need to swab the skin. Tweezers and forceps are used to manipulate the needles. Gloves and dressings are mostly used to reduce chances of infection. Overall, these supplies can be ordered online or bought from stores that stock them.

Other disciplines of acupuncture

Several other forms of this technique exist. Traditionally, needles are placed at specific parts of the body but presently, practitioners do add electrical stimulation and also use pressure. In electro acupuncture, an electric current is sent through the needles to stimulate pressure points. Sonopucture uses sound waves to generate vibrations that stimulate pressure points in the same way that needles would. Acupressure uses pressure in place of needles. The patient’s acupoints are pressed and held for some period of time. The use of heat to stimulate acupoints is used in Moxibustion and this is achieved through the burning of a herb called moxa whereas in cupping, heated cups are placed over the skin. The acupuncture points are stimulated through a vacuum-like effect that results from suction pulling the skin into the cups. In light of these, medical supplies will include but will not be limited to herbs, incense, extinguishers for Moxibustion rolls and cupping sets.

Demonstration aids and storage tools
Some patients may need to know more about the acupuncture process. It has therefore become prudent that therapists are in possession of instruments to not only help in studying but in also demonstrating principles to inquisitive patients. This is mostly achieved with the aid of acupuncture books and model charts. As most patients would also prefer a relaxed atmosphere, most practitioners have now included decorative elements like plants, sculpture and artwork in their list of medical supplies. It is useless to have all these instruments and lack proper storage and for this reason, organization and orderliness can be achieved through the use of cabinets and/or rolling carts. Ultimately, the list of these supplies is endless, but is dependent on need and the projected costs.

Thursday 12 September 2013

How electro acupuncture is performed

Acupuncture is often regarded as the oldest form of alternative medicine.  Over time, this treatment has evolved and presently, it is normal to see it practiced in many other ways. One such therapy is electro acupuncture. The basic principle of stimulating certain acupuncture points remains unchanged over the years since needles are inserted on specific points in the body. Acupuncture needles, which are most often not coated, are attached to a electrical medical device that produces electric pulses which are transferred via small clips. The intensity and frequency of the impulse will largely depend on the condition being treated. Two needles are normally used at a time so that an impulse can pass from one needle to another.

The flexibility of the procedure
When administering this particular therapy, a practitioner does not really have to be precise with the insertion of the needles for the simple reason that the current passing through the needle does stimulate a larger area than the needle itself. Also, electro acupuncture can be administered without the use of needles. Normally, electrodes are taped to the surface of the skin. This is useful because it accommodates people with fear of needles and can be used by people with a condition that prohibits needling. In essence, the device will normally identify points of low resistance and then send electrical impulses to them. Actually, this procedure works through the release of endogenous opiates – often called the “feel-good chemicals – into the brain. Most importantly, electro acupuncture is literally painless.

Conditions that electro acupuncture treats
This therapy has been said to be most effective for pain that is extremely sharp. It has previously been used as a form of anesthesia besides being a treatment for neurological disorders and skin conditions such as acne and renal colic. Nausea caused by cancer medications can also be treated in this way. Through the activation of the endorphin system, the electrical stimulation of the acupuncture points leads to the lowering of blood pressure as well as a reduction of the risk of heart disease. Stroke victims with paralysis on one side as well as patients with Bell’s palsy and multiple sclerosis will find this treatment really useful. There are no major side effects, though it is common to experience some tingling sensation during treatment due to the electric current. With the needles hitting small blood vessels, some bruising or bleeding may at times occur.

 The potential risks
Most people tend to worry about an electric shock but fortunately, this is an extremely safe technique. To begin with, it is important that would-be patients seek to divulge as much information as possible as well as request for clarification from the acupuncturist as a way of averting any potential risks. Patients with a history of seizures, heart diseases or epilepsy, just to name a few, should not undergo electro acupuncture. The electrical impulses used during electrical stimulation are normally weak but nonetheless, it is also important to avoid running current across any medically implanted devices like joints, screws or pacemakers. The therapy should also not be performed on a patient’s head or throat or over the heart. It is also recommended that when acupuncture needles are connected to a suitable electrical current, the current should not be made to travel across the midline of the human body.

Friday 6 September 2013


Acupuncture courses have been integrated into the academic systems even at university level. One such university is the Bastyr University School of acupuncture & oriental medicine.
The acupuncture programs offered in this school are degree and non-degree. These courses are
Combined bachelor/ Master of Science in acupuncture (BS/ MSA)
Combined bachelor/ Master of Science in acupuncture & oriental medicine (BS / MSAOM)
Master of Science in acupuncture (MSA)
Master of Science in acupuncture & oriental medicine (MSAOM)
Certificate in Chinese herbal medicine.
The Bastyr University prepares students to work with practitioners of conventional western medicine and have given a comprehensive approach to acupuncture and oriental medicine.  They make sure that students become highly qualified practitioners with clinical training and well informed on the Western health care disciplines. After their training the can train and inform health care practitioners on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) There is a combination of the Chinese medicine and western modern medicine which are taught as acupuncture courses by the Bastyr university. The programs are inspired by natural health care practice in china.

The length of this program takes about 30 months which are sub-divided in 10 academic quarters. The total cost of the program is about $ 40,105.the US Department of Standard occupational classification code states that the students and ready for health care practitioners and technical workers or acupuncturist as a practice. 

The qualifications  required for this course are one should be a holder of a bachelors degree, one should have attained a grade c or good in prerequisite course work and lastly, one should have experience with acupuncture. The program takes 3 ½ years in full time; for part time the degree should be completed within 6 years. After the course the career opportunities available for the graduates include being a licensed acupuncturist in private practice, an acupuncturist working in international health, a writer on TCM topics and a sports medicine specialist. 

The qualification needed for this course is to be a holder of bachelors degree. The length of the course duration is 3 years full time.  The career opportunities available are licensed acupuncturist in private practice, an acupuncturist working in international health, a writer on TCM topics and a sports medicine specialist.
Combined bachelor/ Master of Science in acupuncture & oriental medicine (BS / MSAOM) and combined bachelor/ Master of Science in acupuncture (BS/ MSA)
The main qualifications to this program are the completion of 90 quarter credits, a minimum 2.75 GPA and grade c or proficiency and science requirement courses.
The school however doesn’t offer online courses as they like to supervise their students and ensure they have the best quality of education available. One should not be worried about the license after joining the acupuncture courses as the program is recognized in 44 states within the US.